Hi, I’m Nathan

 iOS Engineer/Designer

⚲ Tampa Bay

Hi, I’m Nathan.



Holy Bible

SwiftUI, AVFoundation, Core Data, Ads, DTO/MVVM

I was the sole engineer (had lots of help from the rest of my team) for this project, and it was built from scratch. It was my first project where I got to develop the app’s architecture, handle the ownership process of connecting it to App Store Connect as well as publishing it onto the App Store. I also learned to monitor data like crash rates and other performance metrics.

The app consists of a variety of features; reading the Bible, listening to audio bible versions, comparing multiple verses at once, customizing things like font size and background color, sharing content with others, favoriting verses, bookmarking chapters, searching for verses from anywhere in the Bible, accessing a wide array of curated reading plans that guide you through sets of verses connected by common themes for best studying practices, and more.

This app was designed with a Data Transfer Object architecture combined with the Model-View-ViewModel style. It was build with 100% SwiftUI views, and fetches data from multiple API endpoints as well as an open-source database for all of its text and audio content. It also uses Core Data for saving the current reading place and version, favorite verses, saved bookmarks, audio progress, plan progress, reading theme settings, and more.

Holy Bible

This app was my first to be published on the iOS App Store, and something I’m very proud of. I was the sole engineer on this project (but of course I had help from other engineers, designers, QA specialists, product analyzers, content writers, data scientists, and more) and build it from scratch. It was my first project where I got to develop the app’s architecture, handle the ownership process of connecting it to App Store Connect as well as publishing it onto the App Store. I also learned to monitor data like crash rates and other performance metrics.

The app consists of a variety of features; reading the Bible, listening to audio bible versions, comparing multiple verses at once, customizing things like font size and background color, sharing content with others, favoriting verses, bookmarking chapters, searching for verses from anywhere in the Bible, accessing a wide array of curated reading plans that guide you through sets of verses connected by common themes for best studying practices, and more.

This app was designed with a Data Transfer Object architecture combined with the Model-View-ViewModel style. It was build with 100% SwiftUI views, and fetches data from multiple API endpoints as well as an open-source database for all of its text and audio content. It also uses Core Data for saving the current reading place and version, favorite verses, saved bookmarks, audio progress, plan progress, reading theme settings, and more.



This app is a step above your regular game of Tic-Tac-Toe. It has the basis of the original game but with a twist; users have moves with different sizes (small, medium, and large) and are able to “take over” their opponent’s location if they use a move with a larger size than their opponent’s.

The game lets you choose what size of move to use using the first set of buttons below the play area labeled 1, 2, and 3.

The game also lets you customize the difficulty settings depending on your skill level. There are 3 levels of difficulty, Novice, Intermediate, and Expert, each one advancing in skill from the last using custom AI functions.

Tic-Tac-Takeover was built off a tutorial from Sean Allen teaching how to make a simple Tic-Tac-Toe game


Tic-Tac-Takeover was built off a tutorial from Sean Allen teaching how to make a simple Tic-Tac-Toe game

Built using SwiftUI and structured with MVC, this app is a step above your regular game of Tic-Tac-Toe. This game has the basis of the original game but with a twist; users have moves with different sizes (small, medium, and large) and are able to “take over” their opponent’s location if they use a move with a larger size than their opponent’s.

The game lets you choose what size of move to use using the first set of buttons below the play area labeled 1, 2, and 3.

The game also lets you customize the difficulty settings depending on your skill level. There are 3 levels of difficulty, Novice, Intermediate, and Expert, each one advancing in skill from the last using custom AI functions.

Appetizer Ordering was built with Sean Allen's SwiftUI Fundamentals online course

Appetizer Ordering

SwiftUI, MVVM, Networking

This app pulls JSON data from a server and displays them in a list of custom-built cell objects with an image, name, and price of the item. On cell tap, a detailed view is presented to the user with more detailed information about the item they selected, along with the option to add it to their order.

The user’s order is displayed in the Order view, where they can look over, delete items from, and confirm their order.

The app also contains an Account view that holds user information that persists through new app launches.

Appetizer Ordering

Appetizer Ordering was built with Sean Allen's SwiftUI Fundamentals online course

Built using SwiftUI and structured with MVC, this app pulls JSON data from a server and displays them in a list of custom-built cell objects with an image, name, and price of the item. On cell tap, a detailed view is presented to the user with more detailed information about the item they selected, along with the option to add it to their order.

The user’s order is displayed in the Order view, where they can look over, delete items from, and confirm their order.

The app also contains an Account view that holds user information that persists through new app launches.

FreeGo: Hazard Free Travel

This project was done for a startup company created by a peer of mine in college, I lead the UI/UX development for the app and created the branding as well.

By brainstorming ideas in Adobe Illustrator and transitioning to building the UI in Figma, I was able to achieve a clean and easy-to-use interface that will allow users to focus on what’s really important to them while using the app; their safety.

The startup company this app is created by Caut!onTech is one I have been a part of since January of 2021. We plan to have a beta version of the app created and ready for user testing by the end of the 2021 summer season.

FreeGo: Hazard Free Travel

This project was done for a startup company created by a peer of mine in college, I lead the UI/UX development for the app and created the branding as well.

By brainstorming ideas in Adobe Illustrator and transitioning to building the UI in Figma, I was able to achieve a clean and easy-to-use interface that will allow users to focus on what’s really important to them while using the app; their safety.

The startup company this app is created by, Caut!onTech, is one I have been a part of since January of 2021. We plan to have a beta version of the app created and ready for user testing by the end of the 2021 summer season.

Palette Finder


This app was created as a tool for creatives who need a quick set of colors to work with.

6 colors are generated on tap and presented to the user in different shapes and sizes. This was meant to be an open-ended expression left to be interpreted in any way by the user to find meaning in. An example of how one might use it is that they can use the color with the largest size as their primary color, then each decrementing size’s color next, and so on.

Whether you’re practicing your painting or challenging yourself with a new vector drawing, having colors laid out for you automatically for you let you focus on what’s important: the creation process itself.

Palette Finder

Built using SwiftUI, Palette Finder was created as a tool for creatives who need a quick set of colors to work with.

6 colors are generated on tap and presented to the user in different shapes and sizes. This was meant to be an open-ended expression left to be interpreted in any way by the user to find meaning in. An example of how one might use it is that they can use the color with the largest size as their primary color, then each decrementing size’s color next, and so on.

Whether you’re practicing your painting or challenging yourself with a new vector drawing, having colors laid out for you automatically for you let you focus on what’s important: the creation process itself.


Disperse was created as an introduction to Swift and iOS development as a whole in a university course

Built using UIKit, this is the project that I started iOS development with. Disperse is a two-player card game where the goal is to strategize moving up to four cards off the pile at a time, so that your opponent is the one to remove the last card.

A noted feature of the app is its replay button. It allows the players to review what their opponent’s previous moves were in the last turn. This functionality was built using a UIViewPropertyAnimator.

Professors provided the app with CardView and GameState classes, other functionality to help with the game mechanics, and all card and button images.

Apple Frameworks

Apple Frameworks was built with Sean Allen's SwiftUI Fundamentals online course

Built using SwiftUI, this app was a stepping stone into the declarative programming that is SwiftUI. It was also an introduction to APIs and how network calls in general work.

The app uses a grid-list system to display all of Apple’s frameworks. When selected, a modal view will be presented displaying more details about the selected framework. In addition, the user is also presented with a button that brings you to Apple’s documentation on the framework inside the Safari app.



“Who is this guy?”

— You right now

I graduated from Winona State University in May of 2021 with two undergraduate degrees, a BS in Applied Computer Science concentrating in Human-Computer Interaction, and a BA in I-Design concentrating on Technology & Interactivity. Since then, I’ve been working for Spigot in Fort Myers, Florida as an iOS Engineer.

Applied Computer Science was all about exploring technology itself, the languages used to create them, and most importantly, how people actually used them. I quickly became interested in the world of iOS development after taking an Intro to Mobile Apps course at my university and really fell in love with Swift.

I-Design is a little more complicated to explain. It’s a major falling under the Arts & Design department, but isn’t labeled as just one thing; it doesn’t fall under any category really. Each student chooses one of five concentrations or creates their own depending on what type of design they want to explore, then creates their course calendar stemming from that. It allows students to study core design knowledge while honing in on a specific design skill set they are interested in.

Knowing both sides of iOS app development, UI/UX and programming, is what sets me apart from others. Being able to approach problems with knowledge from both sides of the spectrum not only aids me in creating solutions but also allows me to work with both teams fluently and efficiently.

I graduated from Winona State University in May of 2021 with two undergraduate degrees, a BS in Applied Computer Science concentrating in Human-Computer Interaction, and a BA in I-Design concentrating on Technology & Interactivity. Since then, I’ve been working for Spigot in Fort Myers, Florida as an iOS Engineer.

Applied Computer Science was all about exploring technology itself, the languages used to create them, and most importantly, how people actually used them. I quickly became interested in the world of iOS development after taking an Intro to Mobile Apps course at my university and really fell in love with Swift.

I-Design is a little more complicated to explain. It’s a major falling under the Arts & Design department, but isn’t labeled as just one thing; it doesn’t fall under any category really. Each student chooses one of five concentrations or creates their own depending on what type of design they want to explore, then creates their course calendar stemming from that. It allows students to study core design knowledge while honing in on a specific design skill set they are interested in.

Knowing both sides of iOS app development, UI/UX and programming, is what sets me apart from others. Being able to approach problems with knowledge from both sides of the spectrum not only aids me in creating solutions but also allows me to work with both teams fluently and efficiently.

Thank you for your time, feel free to send Nathan an email if you want to chat or have any questions!

-- Stormichael